Genesis 1:6-8
Gen 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
Gen 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
God created the division of atmospheres.
1. God divides the earthly from the celestial in a physical manner. There are basically five atmospheres extending into space. At the lowest level there is the troposphere reaching to about 7 miles. Then comes the stratosphere reaching on upward to about 31 miles above the earth. Next comes the Mesosphere extending on upward to 50 miles above the earth. The thermosphere moves to 440 miles. And then the Exosphere takes to an incredible 6,200 miles above earth.
2. God divides the spiritual from the carnal. At each level of faith there changing conditions. What may be common in fighting fears may be something different fighting certain failures. But you rise above. You leave behind petty hopes and ego driven ambitions. You come to atmospheres of faith and revelation that demand more precision.
An article in the Chicago Tribune states, “As a rule, the higher the thunderstorm’s top the more severe the thunderstorm is likely to be. Thunderstorms with the highest tops host the strongest updrafts, sometimes as high as 100 mph and form in the area of greatest lift and instability. In the Chicago area, typical summer thunderstorms develop to heights between 35,000 and 45,000 feet, but the tops of severe thunderstorms that produce large hail and damaging winds can reach 60,000 feet. The devastating F5 Plainfield tornado on Aug. 28, 1990, towered to 65,000 feet.
The tallest thunderstorms on Earth form in the tropics where tops have been measured to about 75,000 feet — more than 14 miles into the atmosphere.”
“The atmosphere is necessary for the transmission of sound. If there were no atmosphere, the bell might be tolled, the cannon might be fired, a thousand voices might render the music of the sweetest hymn, but not the faintest sound would be audible.” Biblical Illustrator
“The word “atmosphere” indicates, in general, its character and its relation to the earth. It is compounded of two Greek words, one signifying vapour and the other sphere, and, taken together, they denote a sphere of vapour enveloping or enwrapping the whole earth.” G. C. Noyes
In terms of the vastness of the atmosphere, there is always somewhere else to go. Climb Mt Everest to its most majestic ascending height at 29, 029 Feet; and as spectacular as this heroic feat might inspire the bravest of mankind it still trapped in the first layer of atmospheres. It would take a multiplicity of almost six Mount Everests to reach the top of the stratosphere; and that’s just the second atmosphere of earth.
Oh, finite man! We gain knowledge at modern speeds unparalleled by any generation before us; we stack it with haste, like techno Babel builders, reaching for infamy; and yet for all our learning and achievement our best peaks of intelligence are dwarfs of ignorance compared to the height of His glory.
Psalms 8:3
3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
Think about it. He created it all with his fingers. And he has his hand upon us. Joshua 4:24
“And it was so.” God creates in the universe.
God creates in us. He made the heavens and the earth. They obey His Word by staying in order. If His Word did not hold the solar system in place there would be utter chaos. And the sane goes for us. We are His workmanship “created in Christ JESUS into good works”. That means we are supposed to do something good with what we’ve got. Not live with pig pen mentalities. Not get off track and behave with disorderly stubborn conduct. God spoke it and it was so. God’s Word should speak into our lives and the moniker should be “and it was so”.
We then create atmospheres. We “make a joyful noise into the Lord”. Psalm 100:1 This is changing the atmosphere or creating an atmosphere of praise. As we forge the eternal highways of truth in spiritual unity we are “made to sit together in heavenly places.” Ephesians 2:6 When we were baptized we were recipients of a “circumcision made without hands.” Colossians 2:11